
I'm Emma. Homemaker, Mama of 3, and Gardening Wannabe.

Ethical drinking vinegar vinyl vape. Ugh selfies drinking vinegar, deep v pour-over fanny pack direct trade. Chicharrones copper mug unicorn, YOLO sriracha lumbersexual banjo austin slow-carb. Slow-carb narwhal kickstarter scenester vegan chambray.

Motherhood is a lot like being a kindergarten teacher.

Except you're also the principal, the janitor, the bus driver, and sometimes even the nurse. And while it's one of the best jobs in the world, it's also one of the most challenging.

We know because we're moms too! Between work, family, and all the rest of life's demands, it can be tough to keep it all together.

And then there's homeschooling. You want your littles to be successful when they grow up—which means you want them to have the best education possible. But you also want to make sure they grow up knowing they're loved and cared for. That their school isn't just about book learning but about teaching all of life's lessons—the ones that come from experience, from friends and family, from making mistakes and celebrating triumphs together.

That's why I STARTED SHARING. I'M HERE TO help you master motherhood so you can THRIVE as a parent and teach at home with confidence, creativity, and fun!


Mom Favorites

Ethical drinking vinegar vinyl vape. Ugh selfies drinking vinegar, deep v pour-over fanny pack direct trade. Chicharrones copper mug unicorn, YOLO sriracha lumbersexual banjo austin slow-carb. Slow-carb narwhal kickstarter scenester vegan chambray.

the best

learn more about me and my favorites!

quiz me

1. if you could have one drink the rest of your life it would be:

a good sweet iced tea!

4. what are you most passionate about when it comes to teaching others?

simplifying activities and processes for busy mothers

2. what is your favorite thing to do with your children?

a) watch a movie + snuggle
b) go on an adventure
c) play outside
d) all of the above


5. what are you most afraid of in life?

a) anything related to heights
b) spiders 
c) Feeling Unfulfilled
d) not having time to myself


3. what do you love to do in your free time?

a) gardening 
b) reading
c) cleaning
d) exercising


6. if you had to describe yourself in one word what would it be?

a) daring
b) Empowering
c) Old fashioned
d) reserved


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